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Jasmine Group merges grassroots insights into the demand and opportunities available in China with access to cutting-edge Israeli technology . By leveraging this combination, Jasmine Group has made successful inroads to an array of industries and has been able to spur development across such diverse areas as healthcare, agriculture, education and media.
As China’s population and industry swells, it requires efficient, high-yield production in all regions. Israel, due to its arid conditions and limited space, has developed technologies that have made it a leader in advanced...
In recent years, China has striven to provide its developing areas with accessible healthcare centers and advanced medical technologies. This has led to large-scale reforms and government subsidies that provide excellent opportunities
Israel and China are ideal allies in the area of water treatment. China’s industrial boom has created a severe shortage in clean water, caused by contamination of ground water, lakes and rivers. In recent years...
With the world’s largest education system and fast-paced growth, China is allocating more and more resources to developing its next generation and giving students access to advanced education infrastructures. Engaging in technological education has become a vital part of Jasmine Group’s activities in China. Jasmine Group has the resources to open up new...